Catastrophe Hotel
A musical with shadow play written and performed by the 6th graders of the Beerwinkel Primary School in Spandau, Berlin, 2012.

Written and composed by the sixth class of Beerwinkel primary school in Spandau together with Khudéla, ‘Catastrophe Hotel' is a theatre performance incorporating shadow play and music. The message it aims to tell is that we as humans both arenthe cause and the solution of today's environmental problems. The performance is part of the project "Kreativ Englisch mit shadowspiel and Musik" for creative language teaching, which was launched, developed and carried out by Khudéla. It was financed by the Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung.
A fairytale story, in which the rooms of a secluded hotel represent the various effects of today's environmental degradation (storms, floods, earthquakes), and in which the guests, with the support of two ghosts, must work together to solve these problems.
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